You have sequencing data. Now What?
Sequencing projects are becoming more common but the expertise and resources to process these data are limited and the process is confusing. Missunderstandings between the biologist and the bioinformatician are frequent and frustrating and the standard output provided by contract sequencing organizations is subpar.
I have 20 years experiences as both a molecular biologist and bioinformatician. Let me help demystify the process, help you understand the analyses and your data, and provide you with high quality output and submission ready results for publications, grant submissions, or making critical decisions on pilot studies.
Bioinformatics Services
Descriptions on the services I provide are below. Each is priced based on the type of sequencing data you have (information below).

Processing Only
Expert processing of your sequencing data tailored to the needs in compliance with all industry standards for processing and analysis.
Deliverables include:
Code documentation that includes everything needed to replicate the analysis on your own with concise explanations of every step.
Final alignment files for visualization and re-analysis.
Aggregate QC reports from every processing step
A table of differentially expressed or enriched genes or regions.
This service is best for those that want to perform downstream bioinformatics themselves.
Priced per sample, depending on data type. See below.
Processing + Automated Report
Expert processing of your sequencing data and an automated report with publication/grant submission ready figures.
Deliverables Include:
All deliverables in the processing package.
An automated report with the most common and useful output figures and data for your data type.
Valuable quality control comparisons to determine data quality and technical and biological variability.
Standard differential comparison output to demonstrate the effect of your experimental manipulations.
This service caters to individuals that need a quick turnaround on their data for grant submissions and pilot studies.
Priced per sample, depending on data type + $800 for the automated report.
Processing + Custom Report
Expert processing of your sequencing data and a custom report tailored to your needs and figures and diagrams based on your exact specifications.
Deliverables Include:
All deliverables in the processing package including an automated report.
A custom report focused on the analyses you need for your grant submission or publication.
Uncommon figures or analyses to fit your needs.
Complete control over the aesthetics and present ion of your data.
This service covers a sequencing project from data to publication and includes a formal final report and write-up, custom analyses, figures, and consultation to make sure your results are complete.
Priced per sample, depending on data type + $800 for the automated report + a negotiated hourly fee for custom analyses and consulting services.
Experiment Types
Fees for processing sequencing data are often confusing and require some conversion between gigbases, gigabytes, and the number of sequencing reads in your experiment. My pricing is based simply on the type of data you have*.
mRNA-seq, single cell (sc)RNA-seq[1], and small sRNA-seq and all standard variations.
Whole genome sequencing (WGS) and whole exome sequencing (WES).
Bisulfite sequencing (BS-seq) that includes whole genome and reduced representation (WGBS and RRBS) sequencing, ATAC-seq, ChIP-seq
* Within reason for typical sequencing experiments. If your samples were over-processed and generated more data than necessary, an additional fee will be negotiated. If you need help designing your sequencing experiments, please consider scheduling a consulting session so we can optimize your experiment together.
1. Multi-omic single cell sequencing experiments are charged individual for each sequencing layer (e.g., RNA-seq and ATAC-seq are charged separately for each sample).
Request Quote
Please fill out this request for an initial consultation and to discuss analysis of a data set.